Krowd Darden Functions

Employees that work for restaurants owned by Darden Restaurants Inc. must be already knowing about the KrowD Darden website and application.

For the unaware, the KrowD Darden website is a place where employees working in restaurants owned by the KrowD Darden Company can access various features that will help in their employment.

With over 175,000 employees working across all the restaurants owned by the brand, it is practically impossible for the company to individually track and address the day-to-day concerns and queries that the employees will have.

However, with the KrowD Darden platform, employees can take care of their day-to-day necessities without needing any outside assistance.

Features of Krowd Darden Platform 

Below we have listed out the key features of the platform to give you a better idea of the tasks that can be done within the platform easily.

  • Access Schedules: View the schedules which are currently run in your particular work location. This will help you understand the schedules that you are basically going to be a part of at work.
  • MyShifts: The MyShifts section will let you know about the particular shift that is assigned to you for the current/upcoming work week. This will help you plan the work week ahead of you efficiently and without any confusion.
  • My Shift Help: If you need any assistance or have any queries regarding your shift assignment or transfer, then the My Shift Help section will provide you with some knowledge on how to understand and do things.
  • Messaging: You can also send/receive messages to people who work within your team. Thus if you do not have the contact information of any of your teammates, then you can reach out to them using the KrowDWeb platform.
    Instead of your team members, you can also send messages to your management as well.
  • Shift Swaps: You can also perform shift swaps using this portal. In case you are not able to work the shift assigned to you in the future for some reason, then you can request any of your colleagues to swap their shifts with yours. If they accept the shift swap, then you can work in their shift for the day you selected.
    Similarly, other employees can also send shift swap requests to you and you can choose to either accept/reject the swap.
  • View Worked Hours: You can also view details of the hours you worked in the past within the hours. This will give you an idea of the total hours you worked for the week, the working hours pending as per your shift contract, and the payable amount that is pending for work that you did.
  • My Total Rewards: The KrowD Darden portal is also the best place to check the rewards that you have attained during your employment with the company.

And much more. The KrowD Darden platform also provides much more features that are beneficial for the employees. helps you save time by giving you easy access to all Darden employment-related information and tools.